Sunday, February 27, 2011

Presenting oneself

I'm Laurie and I'm 22 years old. I'm stydying modern litteratures at the university of Grenoble. I took a quiet long time to know what I really wanted to study. Actually after my baccalaureate, I had to choose a way concerning my future. My real project was to become a photographer but of course my parents were not confident in this choice... So I chose some subjects I was interested in (political sciences), but I had no perspective in this way. That's why I decided to work (I worked for 3 years in a cinema). This break has confirmed my first envy to study photography. With the desire to make concrete this project,  I resumed my studies last year at the university of Lyon in a double subject : Arts of spectacle (specialized in photography) and modern Litteratures. And I became aware of an egal interest in the both subjects. For this second year, I decided to concentrate on Litteratures and to keep studying photograpy and cinema as options. Here is my studying "journey" which I hope will bring more and more satisfaction!
Concerning my way of life, I'm quiet calm, I love reading and have a drink with friends. I would really like to travel in Asia. Actually I hope I will be able to take an other break in my studies to realize this travelling project, but many questions have to be resolved first concerning the budget, the period of time, ... .
I also like cooking more salty meals than sweety ones. I draw some inspiration from many world cooking (japanese, italian, ... foods) and I realize my meal... which is not always a success!
To conclude this quick presentation, I can say I'm not very used to blog but it's a quiet good experience of a personal space to share with others. It was not so easy to speak about oneself, but it was with great pleasure!!!

Have good holydays... on the snow with some luck! See you soon.
